Become a Library Volunteer

As a small public library, we depend on volunteers to make our fund-raising events and other programs a success. We welcome whatever time you can give. Below are some of the ways you can help.

Setting up for one of our book sales, which are held at the social hall at Christ Lutheran Church.

Spring Book Sale

Our spring book sale is a major fund-raiser for the library. It’s usually in April and/or early May. For the sale, we need help moving, sorting, and packing books, as well as assisting browsers during the sale itself. If you would like to help, email or call the library at 215-766-7880 and leave a message.

Fall Book Sale

As for the spring book sale, we need help with moving, sorting, and packing books, as well as assisting browsers during the sale itself. The fall sale happens in October or November (the date changes from year to year). If you would like to help, email or call the library at 215-766-7880 and leave a message.