Staff comments: I just can’t help myself, dear reader. I just keep hoping that the old Alex Delaware will be reincarnated. Motive is a fairly good read – a good mystery. But Kellerman has added to many characters to his cast.
Staff comments: Always enjoyed Michael Palmer’s novels, since he was an MD and based many of his books on his life experiences. When I saw he had collaborated on this one, I cringed (shades of James Patterson!). But sadly, it was his last hurrah, finished by his son, Daniel. Somehow that made this novel awful special – and it’s a good one.
Staff comments: I have read many books on Everest, but nothing about the preparation or acclimatization before the climb. Perhaps the most honest book on ascending Everest I have ever read. Yes, Brian did suffer snow blindness and was without normal sight for two months. The expenses, the danger – is it really worth it? An exciting read!
Author: Neil White
Staff comments: Wow, this is quite a memoir! A guy who had everything and lost it all. And where did he end up? In prison and a leper colony. Although Neil White has quite a story living among criminals as well as lepers, I still felt no compassion toward him. In his mid-30s and still depended on an allowance from his parents. When he left prison, his one regret was, “Less time to think.”
Author: David Horowitz
Staff comments: What a wonderful tribute to a daughter. A book about her life! Her poems, her stories! How much as a parent we really don’t know or appreciate about our children. We don’t always agree, but hopefully we come together at the end … before our “heart cracks”! Thank you, David.